In the Minor Loses dialog box, each row in the table represents a single minor loss type and its associated headloss coefficient. Click the Ellipses (.) button next to the Minor Losses field. In the Physical: Minor Losses section of the Property Editor, set the Specify Local Minor Loss? value to False. Click a pressure pipe in your model to display the Property Editor, or right-click a pressure pipe and select Properties from the shortcut menu. To add a minor loss collection to a pressure pipe: WaterCAD CONNECT provides an easy-to-use table for editing these minor loss collections in the Minor Loss Collection dialog box. Pressure pipes can have an unlimited number of minor loss elements associated with them. Choose Material Libraries > MaterialLibraries.xml. The Engineering Libraries dialog box opens. In the Properties window, click the ellipsis (.) in the Material field. To Select a Material for a Pipe From the Standard Material Library: When a material is selected, these properties are automatically assigned to the pipe. Each material type is associated with various pipe properties, such as roughness coefficient and roughness height. Pipes can be assigned a material type chosen from an engineering library. In the Properties window, click the menu in the Zone field and choose the zone from the drop-down list. To Apply a Previously Created Zone to a Pipe: For more information on zones and their use, see the Zones topic. A Zone can contain any number of elements and can include a combination of any or all element types. You can group elements together by any desired criteria through the use of zones. Copy the learning path or course link to share it with your colleagues.Note: When laying out a pipe, you can add bends by holding the Ctrl key and clicking.
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